Thursday, September 6, 2007

Back from San Francisco

Jonathan's trip to San Francisco for the conference of the International Federation of Standards Users was useful and without incident. Much to his surprise and embarrassment he was presented there with an IFAN award for services to standards users.
Since then we have had Bronwen and the three grandchildren to stay for a week, and have just about recovered! Very enjoyable but exhausting. The house (including the new carpets) did not sustain significant damage!
In the meantime, we now have a tenant for our house in Chesterfield, although already a few problems have needed sorting out - at a cost of course.
Decoration of the interior of 3 Haddon Court is just about complete, though the letting agent has suggested that we repaint the walls of one room a more neutral colour. There is still some work to do outside, though the two new window framess have been fitted, the plumbing in the kitchen is sorted out and the carpet is all laid. And we have started offering surplus furniture on Freecycle, with mixed success - we could have got rid of a dozen wallpaper steamers and acres of parquet flooring.
Now we have to sort out the back garden, which has always been a disaster area. The Council gave us permission, so we have removed two trees, which makes it a bit lighter and more open, but we are now looking for ways of making it low maintenance.
On Tuesday we are hoping to have a skip delivered, so we can start getting rid of things. At present everywhere is cluttered with boxes and furniture which we no longer need but have had to be moved so the carpet could be laid.
Another achievement is finding a firm which will ship our things to Kosova. We approached several via their websites without receiving any responses. Those that say they cover Europe mostly seem to think it ends at Italy!
Finally, a few more photos of Kosova. The first was taken out of a bedroom window one morning. Well worth waking up for. The second is a view from the surrounding hills. I couldn't resist the final one, taken during a power cut when we were in Kosova, listening to music on the laptop.

1 comment:

Bronze said...

As if my children could cause significant damage anyway. Bx